Author Topic: We now live in an America where mob rule crushes all dissent  (Read 69 times)

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Offline Fishrrman

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We now live in an America where mob rule crushes all dissent
« on: September 07, 2020, 01:32:57 pm »

We now live in an America where mob rule crushes all dissent
Edmund Burke warned us. We'd do well to listen

Wanton destruction coast to coast. Rioters burning down entire car dealerships in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Protesters chanting “F___ Your Jesus” in the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina. Hate, violence, death and destruction.

This is the rule of the mob. This is what democratic socialism looks like. This is your future if you don’t stop it now. And I am not the only one saying so. Edmund Burke said it 230 years ago as he watched the same fires burning in the parks of Paris that we now see smoldering in Portland’s streets.
Today, the same “spirit of profanation” is rife. How can anyone, but the most calloused soul, watch the riots and looting now commonplace in the nightly news and not think of the “extreme democracy” Burke warned of or the dystopias foretold by Huxley and Orwell? 

Ours is now a world where the rule of the gang crushes all dissent. This is a world where all who refuse to storm the Bastille are told they have no rights or even the right to exist. This is a world where the common folk, the traditionalists, i.e., the Christians, are deemed deplorable rubes to be laughed at, maligned, scorned and “canceled.” This is a world where small towns are destroyed, power is centralized, families are broken, churches are shuttered, and anything that stands in the way of the new cultural high priests and their bloodlust for power must be destroyed.

Welcome to 1984. Welcome to your “brave new world.” Welcome to the hell of our own making. Welcome to the guillotine.

By the way, Burke ends his classic work by quoting Cicero, “Tell me, how did you lose a republic as great as yours so quickly?” This is a question our own children will be asking of us if we don’t act now to stop the insanity.

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