Author Topic: Washington Post Op-Ed Suggests Americans May Need To Prepare For War On Election Night If Biden Does  (Read 311 times)

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Shelby Talcott
Media Reporter
September 03, 2020 3:51 PM ET
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A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”

“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks.

The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

“We explored the four scenarios experts consider most likely: a narrow Biden win; a big Biden win, with a decisive lead in both the electoral college and the popular vote; a Trump win with an electoral college lead but a large popular-vote loss, as in 2016; and finally, a period of extended uncertainty as we saw in the 2000 election,” Brooks wrote.

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Stated another way:  Either Slo Joe wins big, or the country burns.  Biteme couldn't have said it any better.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Stated another way:  Either Slo Joe wins big, or the country burns.  Biteme couldn't have said it any better.
We already know what's coming if Biden loses.

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We already know what's coming if Biden loses.

If Biden loses the riots escalate and we see a civil war sooner than later.  If Biden wins the riots will continue and we will eventually see a civil war.  I don't see us escaping either scenario.  The groundwork was set months ago and the corruption to fraudulently win this election was set into motion during the midterms.
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Stated another way:  Either Slo Joe wins big, or the country burns.  Biteme couldn't have said it any better.

She might have given herself cover by positing that war could also be avoided by a landslide Trump win. I guess that isn't a possibility.

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It’s a Straight Line from Biden to BLM
Black Lives Matter is not a reaction to Donald Trump.
By Andrew C. McCarthy
September 5, 2020   6:30 AM

 â€˜The devil made me do it!” That was how funnyman Flip Wilson explained away his rogue moves in 1970s comedy bits. In 2020, it is Joe Biden’s rationalization of the Black Lives Matter revolution, with Baal taking on a decidedly orange cast.

An unmistakable correlation between the radical Left’s extortionate violence and the sudden tightening of polls has stirred the Democrats’ senescent standard-bearer to bolt the basement. He’d hoped to wait another week or so before emerging to read short speeches about President Trump’s erratic handling of COVID-19 (the government’s missteps during the Obama-era swine flu pandemic having apparently slipped Biden’s mind). But he’s got a tiger by the tail in the radical Left, which is turning electoral battlegrounds into smoldering battlefields. So now he’s hustling into the hustings with a narrative about what’s motivating his fellow travelers — who have just added murder to the mayhem they’ve wrought on America’s streets for the past three months.

Here’s the punchline: Trump made them do it! ... 

...    Black Lives Matter is not a reaction to Donald Trump. It is a subversive movement of loosely knit but lavishly funded chapters that exploded on the scene in the Obama years, amid the rioting over the killings of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Demagogues turned those horrific incidents into racial controversies, despite the lack of evidence that racial animus led to the fatal confrontations, and despite the abundant evidence that the decedents were culpable. The Obama-Biden strategy was to embrace BLM as an ally, exploiting BLM’s agitation in order to suppress opposition to shared political goals.

It still is.National Review