Author Topic: Cuomo, De Blasio Go After Jewish Weddings, Cheer Black Lives Matter Riots  (Read 203 times)

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Cuomo, De Blasio Go After Jewish Weddings, Cheer Black Lives Matter Riots

Systemic anti-Semitism is real -- and it’s haunting.
Wed Sep 2, 2020 Daniel Greenfield

Governor Andrew Cuomo, whose horrifying move forcing nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients may have killed between 6,000 and 11,000 senior citizens, has vowed to crack down.

On Jewish weddings.

“Whether it’s young people at a bar or religious people at a wedding, it’s the same thing to me. It’s ignorant, it’s disrespectful and it violates the law,” Cuomo fumed.

Religious people being ignorant, disrespectful, and violating the law by attending a wedding is awful. But when celebrities want to perform at MTV’s VMA awards, they get a special exemption from quarantine regulations because Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and Miley Cyrus gyrating on a stage is respectful, whereas the communal celebration of G-d and family life is disrespectful.