State Chapters > NY/NJ

De Blasio considers extending outdoor dining beyond Oct. 31


 De Blasio considers extending outdoor dining beyond Oct. 31

By Julia Marsh

August 27, 2020 | 1:17pm | Updated
if something like that is happening.
De Blasio may extend outdoor dining beyond Oct. 31, will reevaluate indoor dining in a month

Get ready to bundle up for al fresco dining in the late fall.

Mayor Bill de Blasio is considering extending the city’s coronavirus-induced outdoor dining program beyond its current endpoint of Oct. 31.

“We’re looking at that right now. We’re trying to get a sense from the restaurant community how much interest there is in going longer,” the mayor said at a remote City Hall press briefing Thursday.

Ok, but to much after that it will be too cold to eat outside. That’s just common sense.

PeteS in CA:
Second week in November at the earliest!


--- Quote from: Gefn on August 28, 2020, 11:31:47 am ---Ok, but to much after that it will be too cold to eat outside. That’s just common sense.

--- End quote ---
Yup...exactly.  Guess patrons will be eating with their full winter garb on in a few months.


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