State Chapters > NY/NJ

The biggest barrier to New York’s recovery is its pathetic political class


 The biggest barrier to New York’s recovery is its pathetic political class

By Bob McManus

August 26, 2020 | 7:17pm

So New York stopped prosecuting turnstile jumpers, and now folks are smashing windows in the subways. Has there ever been a more ­delicious vindication of a venerable policing policy than that?

The theory was simple enough: Fix one broken window in a public space, and your work is done. Ignore it, and soon enough, you have more broken windows. Many more.

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance ­decided in 2018 to stop prosecuting fare-evaders — it seems they were being targeted disproportionately, compared to non-fare-evaders — and suddenly bad things began to happen. This ­includes, most recently, several hundred thousand dollars worth of deliberately smashed subway-car windows.


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