Author Topic: Planned Parenthood Realities Exposed: Support the MRC and Expose Media Bias by Omission  (Read 92 times)

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Planned Parenthood Realities Exposed: Support the MRC and Expose Media Bias by Omission

This time the media are going too far.

On the heels of the shocking revelation that the nation’s number one abortion mill, Planned Parenthood, has been harvesting aborted baby body parts for profit, the national “news” media are engaged in a deliberate effort to censor this shocking scandal in order to keep Americans in the dark about the gruesome abortion industry.

The Media Research Center has been monitoring the media’s coverage of this scandal, and our proof of the media’s censorship is irrefutable.

We saw this play out in 2013 with the late term abortionist and convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell; the media refused to cover the scandal until WE forced their hand.