Author Topic: The Marxists have forced out the Conservatives, now they’re coming for the Liberals  (Read 335 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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JoNova 8/20/2020

Some thought provoking insights from Yoram Hazony in The Challenge Of Marxism. I’m not inclined to read analysis of anything Marxist, but this moment in history has some uncanny similarities I was not aware of, and Hazony connects the dots from Karl to Kamala (so to speak). He paints a compelling pattern, even if I want to add details and patterns myself. It’s a springboard…

Read it all.

The Marxists have forced out the Conservatives, now the wheel has turned and  they’re coming for the Liberals, argues Hazony. The Liberal world thought they were marching through the institutions but the momentum was with the Marxists among them, who have now forged ahead and are turning on their own.

Will the liberals drop their liberalism and adopt marxism, or will they push back?

 Anti-Marxist liberals are about to find themselves in much the same situation that has characterized conservatives, nationalists, and Christians for some time now: They are about to find themselves in the opposition.

This means that some brave liberals will soon be waging war on the very institutions they so recently controlled. They will try to build up alternative educational and media platforms in the shadow of the prestigious, wealthy, powerful institutions they have lost. Meanwhile, others will continue to work in the mainstream media, universities, tech companies, philanthropies, and government bureaucracy, learning to keep their liberalism to themselves and to let their colleagues believe that they too are Marxists—just as many conservatives learned long ago how to keep their conservatism to themselves and let their colleagues believe they are liberals.

This is the new reality that is emerging. There is blood in the water and the new Marxists will not rest content with their recent victories. In America, they will press their advantage and try to seize the Democratic Party. They will seek to reduce the Republican Party to a weak imitation of their own new ideology, or to ban it outright as a racist organization.

Language is a weapon, and they shalt not be known publicly as Marxists but by a shifting sea of names:

…they disorient their opponents by referring to their beliefs with a shifting vocabulary of terms, including “the Left,” “Progressivism,” “Social Justice,” “Anti-Racism,” “Anti-Fascism,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Critical Race Theory,” “Identity Politics,” “Political Correctness,” “Wokeness,” and more. When liberals try to use these terms they often find themselves deplored for not using them correctly, and this itself becomes a weapon in the hands of those who wish to humiliate and ultimately destroy them.

But they are Marxists:

The new Marxists do not use the technical jargon that was devised by 19th-century Communists. They don’t talk about the bourgeoisie, proletariat, class struggle, alienation of labor, commodity fetishism, and the rest, and in fact they have developed their own jargon tailored to present circumstances in America, Britain, and elsewhere. Nevertheless, their politics are based on Marx’s framework for critiquing liberalism (what Marx calls the “ideology of the bourgeoisie”) and overthrowing it. We can describe Marx’s political framework as follows:


Offline Elderberry

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Burgess Owens: 'Black Lives Matter Inc. is nothing but a Marxist organization'

Washington Examiner by Andrew Mark Miller August 21, 2020

Super Bowl champion and Utah congressional candidate Burgess Owens voiced strong criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement, calling it a “Marxist organization.”

“We are at a very clear crossroads in our country,” Owens, who is currently running to represent Utah’s 4th Congressional District, told Fox News host Martha MacCallum Thursday night. “We have one vision that says we the people are empowered by education, and we will give that power to the people and the other side is they want to empower themselves by stealing our education, stealing our history. Which should not be a surprise, and for those who can go to Google, you’ll find out that BLM inc. is nothing but a Marxist organization.”

Owens continued: “They hate God, they hate the family unit, the nuclear family, and they hate capitalism, so of course they are going to feel this way.”

The former NFL defensive back also referenced “mayhem and death” occurring in major cities across the country and “black business owners going out of business and black people being killed in the streets of Chicago.”

“We need to fight for our country against these Marxists and these bullies and cowards that are destroying everything they touch,” Owens added after referring to antifa rioters as “cowards.”

“We can’t stand by and let this happen.”

More at link.