Author Topic: Biden-Harris Take Heat for Mandatory Buyback Support  (Read 139 times)

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Biden-Harris Take Heat for Mandatory Buyback Support
« on: August 16, 2020, 02:39:12 pm »
Biden-Harris Take Heat for Mandatory Buyback Support
"Kamala Harris" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Gage Skidmore

The Second Amendment is near and dear to the hearts of many Americans, especially conservatives.

Millions of individuals across the nation take seriously their constitutional right to keep and bear arms; however, the issue of the Second Amendment continues to remain heavily politicized. This politicization continues as the 2020 presidential election heats up with Trump and Pence versus Biden and Harris.

Right now, the 2020 Democrat ticket is taking heat for their support of heavy gun control. Both the former vice president and the California senator are on record supporting “mandatory buybacks” which is merely a fancier way of saying “government-sponsored gun confiscation,” according to Breitbart News.