Author Topic: Kamala Harris: A ruthless authoritarian, one heartbeat away from the presidency  (Read 141 times)

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Offline Free Vulcan

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On the Democratic primary debate stage in August 2019, Joe Biden pointed out that the president does not have the constitutional authority to rewrite gun laws by executive order without Congress. Kamala Harris laughed in his face and said, “Oh Joe, yes we can.”

Almost exactly a year later, Biden is polling strongly as the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee and just tapped Harris as his running mate. If Biden wins in November, he will be the oldest president ever on his very first day in office — meaning Harris, more than most vice presidents, will be only a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.

This prospect is, frankly, terrifying.

Ruthless pursuit of power, no matter the cost, defines Harris’s political career to date. Time and time again, the California senator’s record shows she views peoples’ rights and legal constraints on her power as mere obstacles on her climb up the political ladder.
The Republic is lost.

Offline libertybele

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The prospect of any DEM wining the oval office or further seats in either house of Congress is terrifying.  Preventing that from happening is going to be extremely difficult.

I've always been aware of the corruption in our government but I never ever dreamed of how absolutely evil and sick that corruption could be.
Romans 12:16-21

Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly, do not claim to be wiser than you are.  Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.  If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all…do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.