Author Topic: The U.S. Debt and Deficit Has Been Spiraling Out Of Control Since Democrats Voted For Welfare For Ga  (Read 227 times)

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Offline NewsJunkie

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It's no secret the Coronavirus stimulus packages went mostly to corporations owned by billionaires with billions of dollars in corporate bank accounts saved up instead of you and me. But, in addition to that disturbing fact, that billionaires received billions of dollars while we only got $1200, the hidden fact the media doesn't seem to care about is that the deficit has been spiraling out of control and the national debt has risen by 20% since the bailouts began.

Just like in 2008, another crisis helped the Fortune 500 corporations but screwed over small businesses and employees. But the question on everyone's mind is how in the world this can change and how we can even pay for it.

As it stands, Americans, collectively, will have to pay a staggering 80,000 DOLLARS to end the national debt. This is more than TWICE the average American's salary. How are we possibly going to manage that if we continue to take money from all of us and simply hand it to Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and George Soros though taxation?


Offline Absalom

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Economic illiteracy on full display.
Our debt problem is a century old, commencing w/our entry into the Great War.
A decade later the Great Depression further expanded it; then came WW 2.
Since then a series of foreign conflicts and recessions as well as political hustles
have plainly exploded the national debt.
Should be unsurprising to anyone w/a brain cell as we, all of us, have long
abandoned the prudence that was prominent among our Founding Fathers.