State Chapters > NY/NJ

Records show homeless sexual offenders being housed in New York hotel block away from school


Records show homeless sexual offenders being housed in New York hotel block away from school

by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer
 | August 08, 2020 02:41 PM
Online records indicate that the city of New York may have violated state law by housing several homeless people convicted of sex crimes against children near a school.

Six convicted sexual offenders were housed while still on parole in a luxury hotel a block away from an elementary school playground, which is an apparent violation of state law, according to the New York Post.

As of Friday night, they were listed on the state’s sex offender registry as living at the Hotel Belleclaire on New York City’s Upper West Side, located less than 1,000 feet away from P.S. 87.

PeteS in CA:
Since NYC schools shut down several months ago, this is a violation of NY law but school children were not endangered.

Forget it Jake, it's New York town.
Nobody's gonna do anything about it...

Schools out forever in NYC...  so what is the problem?


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