Author Topic: Wrecking the American Dream  (Read 468 times)

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Wrecking the American Dream
« on: August 04, 2020, 02:12:54 pm »
 Wrecking the American Dream
Yes, suburbanites, Democrats plan to destroy your community.
by Robert Stacy McCain
August 3, 2020, 12:04 AM
by William Murchison
One of the basic tasks of the political Left, not only in contemporary America but on a worldwide basis ever since the French Revolution, is to identify those social institutions that are healthy and functional, then ruin them completely, and call this result “reform.” Sometimes millions of people die as a result of the Left’s appetite for “reform” (e.g., collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union), but always innocent people are made to suffer on behalf of the allegedly idealistic motives of the self-anointed progressive “reformers.”

Scarcely half a century ago, America’s system of higher education was the envy of the world, but that was before the Left instituted the kind of “reform” that produces unemployed Gender Studies majors saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in student-loan debt for degrees that don’t qualify them for any gainful employment. If you criticize the Left’s hegemonic influence in academia, of course, you will be accused of being “anti-intellectual,” as though leftists have a natural right to define the purpose, content, and structure of intellectual endeavor; anyone who doesn’t share the Left’s values is thereby disqualified from participation in academia. Our universities now exist not to provide young people with useful knowledge and career skills, but rather to indoctrinate them with the Left’s destructive belief system and train them to become political activists. Anyone who dissents from this agenda — even such eminent scholars as University of Pennsylvania Law Professor Amy Wax — becomes persona non grata on campus. As Thomas Sowell once remarked, “The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department.”