Author Topic: Arizona, Virginia observe Indigenous Peoples Day for first time instead of Columbus Day  (Read 557 times)

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Arizona, Virginia observe Indigenous Peoples Day for first time instead of Columbus Day
By Marty Johnson - 10/12/20 02:14 PM EDT

A record number of states and municipalities on Monday are celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day in lieu of Columbus Day.

Arizona and Virginia observed Indigenous Peoples Day — the second Monday in October — for the first time this year, joining a dozen other states and Washington, D.C.

In recent years, support for celebrating the histories and cultures of Native Americans instead of Christopher Columbus has increased steadily, with many arguing that his brutal treatment of Indigenous people should not be glorified.

The idea for Indigenous Peoples Day was first introduced in 1977 at a United Nations conference. In 1989, South Dakota was the first state to formally designate the day as something other than Columbus Day, celebrating it as Native American Day.

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Offline LottieDah

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The good people of Arizona, Virginia and anywhere else can observe Indigenous People's Day.  I on the other hand will be observing Columbus Days as I have been for decades.

Online mountaineer

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Offline aligncare

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So typical of the rabid left. Their impulse is to cancel an existing holiday rather than simply add one. (No comment on why the left is pushing so hard for an indigenous peoples day, at the expense of Columbus).

Offline rustynail

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Free valet parking and complimentary drink at the Indigenous casinos?

Offline txradioguy

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If it wasn't for Columbus...these lefties wouldn't be able to celebrate their woke BS "day"
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline berdie

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The good people of Arizona, Virginia and anywhere else can observe Indigenous People's Day.  I on the other hand will be observing Columbus Days as I have been for decades.


Online mountaineer

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Apparently, the post office is observing Columbus Day. No mail today.

Online Wingnut

  • That is the problem with everything. They try and make it better without realizing the old is fine.
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Apparently, the post office is observing Columbus Day. No mail today.

Another arrow in Nancy's quiver.
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Online mountaineer

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Monday, October 12, 2020
First They Came For the Red Skins

I’ve been outraged by the cancelling of Columbus Day since 2009. Initially as Dewey From Detroit in Goodbye Columbus:
    What enters the classroom in one decade emerges as mainstream 15 years later…

    When you combine the social engineering principals of political correctness and social justice you get…a rejection not only of the explorer that made the building of our great country possible, but the political philosophy that made it a great country.
In an era when few Americans bothered to ask “who watches the watchers” fewer still were concerned with “who teaches the teachers.” Unfortunately this is the answer to the later:

...   As Daniel Greenberg noted years ago the end game is to cancel America itself   ... 

First They Came For The Red Skins, at MotusMirror

Online goatprairie

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The conceit of the left is that before Columbus/Europeans arrived on the North American continent, it had thriving Native American civilizations north of the Rio Grande with populations approaching 20 million.
Columbus and other European explorers/settlers ruined those wonderful Native American civilizations.
This is pure wishful thinking by leftist historians who can provide no evidence of any large native populations.
If there were populations that large, most of them would have been mostly in the eastern half of N.A. as the western half's topography was simply too harsh to support large populations except for the west coast, California, Oregon, Washington. But even in those areas there is no evidence of huge NA populations and/or advanced civilizations.
There would have been plenty of evidence in buildings, artifacts, agriculture practices,  and graves of  dead people to prove their point.
The fact is they can't provide any evidence to prove that there were more than two or three million inhabitants north of the Rio Grande five hundred years ago. It was mostly an empty land with populations gathered together probably no larger than two or three thousand.
Most NAs were hunter gatherers or lived in small communities with small farming practices. It was simply impossible for those people to amass large populations given their modes of living which would require extensive huge agriculture and an infrastructure to support large populations/millions of people in one  area like today's large cities/metro areas.
History isn't bunk like Henry Ford claimed, except when leftist historians get done twisting history.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 09:21:59 pm by goatprairie »

Offline kevindavis007

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I'll call it Siberian Americans day...
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