Good. Unfortunately, thanks to this rule and so many other rules and schemes before it, my little town has been decimated by an influx of resettled "poor blacks," plus illegals and so-called refugees. We now have thoroughly trashed properties, with weeds and high grass everywhere, homes with doors hanging off their hinges, and worse, these "animals" (I can't call them "people") have taken to dumping their trash in my property. The town put a trash can not more than a few feet from my driveway, but these people insist on throwing their trash in my property.
One morning last week, I found a broken vodka bottle in my driveway -- glass fragments all over. I had to sweep it up -- not easy to do with a cane and I was having a particularly bad time with my balance that day. I'm guessing some idiot threw the bottle from a moving vehicle. Too stupid or lazy to stop the car, get out and put the bottle in the trash can.
This town has always been a mix of white and black and for years, we never had any trouble. It was a blue collar town, but like so many other industry-supported towns and cities, it has fallen on hard times. But instead of spending money to make the town better, the powers that be have decided this is the perfect place to dump the stupid and lazy and all the people no one else wants.
If I had my druthers, HUD and the rest of those do-gooder agencies would be axed. If these people want better housing, let them work for it and make them take care of where they live All these agencies are doing is ruining perfectly good neighborhoods, cities and towns through their social engineering schemes.