Author Topic: Elon Musk announces date for Neuralink presentation -'AI symbiosis while u wait'  (Read 1718 times)

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TESMANIAN  by Evelyn Arevalo July 11, 2020

The Chief Executive Officer of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, founded Neuralink, a company that is developing a brain-machine interface that could one day restore a variety of brain-related issues, including restoring eyesight and limb functionality, solve memory loss, even cure depression via a brain chip implant. Musk initially aims to focus on the medical aspect of the neural interface, like solving mobility issues with paralyzed individuals. Ultimately, his team aims to achieve ‘symbiosis’ with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

On Thursday, Musk announced Neuralink will host a presentation on August 28 to discuss its brain-chip development progress, “If you can’t beat em, join em. Neuralink mission statement,” he wrote via Twitter, in reference to AI. He believes AI will outsmart the human species and that the only way to ‘beat them’ is if humans achieve a brain-computer connection to have the same level of intelligence.

It may sound crazy, like something out of a science fiction movie but Neuralink scientists, engineers, and doctors are working on the development of this device as you read – “AI symbiosis while u wait,” Musk tweeted July 9.

According to Musk, Neuralink could add a third layer of digital superintelligence in the human brain to avoid AI machine enslavement. He says a “human-AI symbiote” would help “democratize” AI, and that “we don’t have to worry about some evil dictator AI because we are the AI collectively.” Neuralink aims to achieve human connection with AI before the singularity event “to minimize the existential risk for humanity and consciousness as we know it.” He explained the brain has two systems: The first layer is the limbic system which drives impulses. The second layer is the cortex system that tries to control the limbic system by acting as an intelligence layer. The third layer can be Neuralink, sitting on top of those two layers to work together. “Perhaps there can be a tertiary layer where digital superintelligence lies. That will be vastly more intelligent than the cortex but still co-exist peacefully and in a benign manner with the cortex and limbic system,” he said earlier this year.


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Downloading the Human Brain to a Computer: Elon Musk’s Neuralink

Interesting Engineering By Donovan Alexander March 16, 2020

Human testing of the noninvasive device could start as early as this year.

Sure you know just about everything about Tesla and SpaceX, but how much do you know about Elon Musk’s Neuralink start-up? Out of the many eccentric projects that Musk is currently working on, Neuralink definitely takes the cake. The ambitious start-up seems to be working on something straight out of a science fiction film.

If Neuralink accomplishes its goal, the company could end up ushering in a new age of "superhuman cognition." But, enough with the suspense. What exactly is the Neuralink company working on?

Neuralink is a company set up by Elon Musk in 2016 that is exploring the human brain and how it can be connected to a computer interface. Operating at a much smaller scale than Tesla or SpaceX, this conceptual startup aims to use this brain-machine interface to integrate humans with artificial intelligence by surgically implanting processors into our brains with a procedure that is said to be no more invasive than something like LASEK surgery.

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Offline Elderberry

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Elon Musk’s Neuralink opens-up Longevity applications

Longevity Technology by Salvinija Roznyte 8/7/2019

Elon Musk’s brain implant enables closed-loop motor control and interaction with devices and applications – this new platform has great potential for Longevity.

Elon Musk must be a fan of the science fiction writer Iain M. Banks – in the early days his company talked of its neural technology as a ‘neural lace’ which in Banks’ novels was a technology that integrated humans with the AI cloud while augmenting them with enhanced control over their neural systems, glands and organs. Alas Banks is no longer with us, but his visions are fast-becoming reality.

His company Neuralink has recently announced the development of a new brain-machine interface that could help paralysis victims and those with brain damage to be able to communicate and use technology without moving or talking. This is of course just the beginning and a fast-track method of obtaining FDA approval through the Humanitarian Device Exemptions pathway.

Longevity.Technology: The potential in this technology lies in the variety of applications of Neuralink’s new brain chip implant, which could be used not just for daily tasks and entertainment but in enhanced bionics control, enhanced tele-presence and space exploration.

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Offline Elderberry

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Stream music directly to your brain? Elon Musk’s new Neuralink gadget

 GENETIC LITERACY PROJECT by Anthony Cuthbertson 7/28/2020

[Elon] Musk confirmed that Neuralink’s technology would allow people to “listen to music directly from our chips.”

He also said that Neuralink “could help control hormone levels and use them to our advantage (enhanced abilities and reasoning, anxiety relief, etc.).”

Since its founding in 2016, Neuralink has only held one major public presentation about how the technology will work.

Speaking at the 2019 event, Mr Musk said the firm was working on a “sewing machine-like” device that would provide a direct connection between a computer and a chip inserted within the brain.

The technology could will first be used to help people suffering from brain diseases like Parkinson’s, but the ultimate aim of Neuralink is to allow humans to compete with advanced artificial intelligence, he said.

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Artificial Intelligence Will Be Vastly Smarter Than Humans Within Five Years, Says Tech Billionaire Elon Musk

Swarajya 7/30/2020

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has claimed that Artificial Intelligence will be 'vastly smarter' than any human and would overtake us by 2025.

"We are headed toward a situation where AI is vastly smarter than humans. I think that time frame is less than five years from now. But that doesn't mean that everything goes to hell in five years. It just means that things get unstable or weird," Musk said in an interview with New York Times over the weekend.

This is not the first time that Musk has shown concern related to AI. Back in 2016, Musk said that humans risk being treated like house pets by AI unless technology is developed that can connect brains to computers.

He even described AI as an 'existential threat' to humanity.

"I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it's probably that,'' he said.

However, Musk helped found the artificial intelligence research lab OpenAI in 2015 with the goal of developing artificial general intelligence (AGI) that can learn and master several disciplines.

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The seeds of the Borg.

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Didn't he marry a Chinese woman? 

Offline Elderberry

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Neuralink will show 'The Matrix in the Matrix' on August 28, says Elon Musk

TASMANIAN by Evelyn Arevalo July 30, 2020

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and CEO at Tesla, is known for his ambitious ideas that could completely change the course of humanity’s future. He founded Neuralink, a company that is developing a next-generation brain-machine interface that could one day solve a variety of brain-related issues; Including restoring limb functionality, solving memory loss, even cure issues like depression and addiction via a brain chip implant. Musk initially aims to focus on the medical aspect of the neural interface, like solving mobility issues with paralyzed individuals. Ultimately, his team aims to achieve ‘symbiosis’ with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Neuralink “would solve a lot of brain/spine injuries and is ultimately essential for AI symbiosis,” Musk said.

According to Musk, Neuralink could add a third layer of digital superintelligence in the human brain. He explained the brain has two systems: The first layer is the limbic system which drives impulses. The second layer is the cortex system that tries to control the limbic system by acting as an intelligence layer. The third layer can be Neuralink, sitting on top of those two layers to work together. “Perhaps there can be a tertiary layer where digital superintelligence lies. That will be vastly more intelligent than the cortex but still co-exist peacefully and in a benign manner with the cortex and limbic system,” he said earlier this year during a podcast.

Neuralink will host a presentation on August 28 to discuss its brain-chip development progress. During Neuralink’s first presentation in July 2019, Musk, alongside medical engineers, described a very small chip that could enable a paralyzed individual to control a smartphone, computer, and even prosthetics with their mind. The chip is called “N1” it is a square measuring 4 by 4 millimeters and features 1,024 electrodes. The company says that developing a brain-interface chip with that many electrodes for brain stimulation had not been achieved before.

More at link.