Author Topic: Top epidemiologist – Up to 100,000 American lives could be saved with hydroxychloroquine  (Read 296 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Ice Age Now  July 23, 2020 by Robert

“There has never been a medical deception so vast.” “HCQ has become a political drug, not a medical drug.” “State medical boards are threatening doctors over its use. The doctors are being targeted for actually saving lives.”

21 Jul 2020 – Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, the top epidemiologist at Yale University at the Yale School of Public Health, made this stunning announcement on Laura Ingraham’s show on Fox last night; that if the FDA would allow all U.S. physicians to do what many of them are already doing – that is treating COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine – up to 100,000 American could be saved in the next 6 months.

“We’re basically fighting a propaganda war against the medical facts,” says Dr Risch. “(Hydroxychloroquine’s use) would be game changing.”

“I didn’t know you could have so much corruption in the medical field,” says Laura Ingraham. “Hydroxychloroquine has been in use for more than 65 years.”
