Author Topic: Leo Terrell Reveals What Caused Him to Leave the Democratic Party  (Read 234 times)

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Leo Terrell Reveals What Caused Him to Leave the Democratic Party
Beth Baumann
Posted: Jul 15, 2020 10:25 PM

Civil Rights attorney Leo Terrell, a prominent Democrat turned Trump supporter, has come under fire from his colleagues for refusing to support Joe Biden and Black Lives Matter. Despite that, Terrell said he isn't in favor of the modern-day Democratic Party and what they stand for.

"The Democratic Party in 2020 is as follows: it's been hijacked by Black Lives Matter and that's why I've shifted away from the Democratic Party. Two major reasons: One, Joe Biden made the assumption that if you're not black, that if you're black you have to vote Democrat. I find that insulting and offensive to every African American because we don't vote as one group," he told the Daily Caller. "Secondly, defunding the police is absolutely ridiculous. Democrats believe in law and order. Those are two major reasons I left the Democratic Party."