Author Topic: ‘RACIST’: Debra Messing Dragged For Saying Kanye West Is Acting ‘Disgusting’ For ‘Trying To Take’ ‘B  (Read 331 times)

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‘RACIST’: Debra Messing Dragged For Saying Kanye West Is Acting ‘Disgusting’ For ‘Trying To Take’ ‘Black Voters From Biden’
By  Amanda Prestigiacomo
Jul 8th, 2020

Over the Fourth of July weekend, actress and left-wing activist Debra Messing bashed musical talent Kanye West for potentially running for the White House in 2020 and “taking” “black voters” away from former Vice President Joe Biden.

In a tweet from an account that has since been protected, @TheRickyDavila tweeted to Messing: “To be clear, Kanye West is a redhat [sic] wearing MAGA Lunatic, so if he’s wanting to run for the Presidency, it’s probably a plan between [T]rump and Kanye to strip whatever support they can away from Biden as a last ditch effort. That’s what I believe.”


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Any blacks who would vote for Kanye aren't real blacks anyway, according to "Hands" Biden. *look*