Author Topic: How the Left Exploits Antiracism to Attack Capitalism  (Read 122 times)

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How the Left Exploits Antiracism to Attack Capitalism
« on: July 09, 2020, 02:31:19 pm »
How the Left Exploits Antiracism to Attack Capitalism

07/07/2020Ryan McMaken

Joseph Schumpeter once observed, "capitalism stands its trial before judges who have the sentence of death in their pockets." Capitalism is to be condemned no matter what, even if the executioners have yet to settle on the specific reason for its condemnation.

The forces of anticapitalism have long morphed into whatever form best suits them for taking advantage of the zeitgeist. Whatever the latest injustice may be—from a polluted environment to poverty to racism—the solution is always the same: the destruction of markets and market freedom. As Ralph Raico has noted:

    In earlier times, they [i.e., the anticapitalists] indicted capitalism for the immiseration of the proletariat, inevitable depressions, and the disappearance of the middle classes. Then, a little later, it was for imperialism and inevitable wars among the imperialist (capitalist) powers….