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Alabama students throwing 'COVID parties' to see who gets infected: Officials


Alabama students throwing 'COVID parties' to see who gets infected: Officials
Rising infections prompt Gov. Kay Ivy to extend 'Safer at Home' orders.
Bill Hutchinson
July 1, 2020, 3:43 PM

 Students in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 have been attending parties in the city and surrounding area as part of a disturbing contest to see who can catch the virus first, a city council member told ABC News on Wednesday.

Tuscaloosa City Councilor Sonya McKinstry said students have been organizing "COVID parties" as a game to intentionally infect each other with the contagion that has killed more than 127,000 people in the United States. She said she recently learned of the behavior and informed the city council of the parties occurring in the city.

She said the organizers of the parties are purposely inviting guests who have COVID-19.

"They put money in a pot and they try to get COVID. Whoever gets COVID first gets the pot. It makes no sense," McKinstry said. "They're intentionally doing it."


Ghost Bear:
Young people doing something stupid and dangerous just for fun?  Why, that's never happened before in the entire history of mankind!   ... not.  *****rollingeyes*****


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