State Chapters > State Politics/Government

Nolte: Virginia Democrats Seek to Reduce Assault on Cops to Misdemeanor


John Nolte 2 Jul 2020

Virginia Democrats are eager to declare open season on law enforcement by downgrading an assault on a police officer from a felony to a misdemeanor.

Fox 5:

--- Quote ---    According to a document shared by multiple local reporters and retweeted by the Virginia Senate Democrats, the proposals include downgrading the charge of assault on a police officer from a felony to a misdemeanor.


    Currently, assaulting an officer is a Class 6 felony with a minimum penalty of six months in jail and a maximum of five years. Misdemeanors carry a one-year maximum and no minimum.
--- End quote ---

In other words, you can hurl a brick at a police officer, or gang tackle a police officer, and the worst case scenario is one year in prison, which means about six months in prison … or a monetary fine.

How can anyone interpret this move as anything other than Virginia Democrats showing their cards in wanting to tell the left-wing terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa that it is now open season on law enforcement.



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