State Chapters > State Politics/Government

Columbus Removes Christopher Columbus Statue Outside City Hall Named After Columbus


 Columbus Removes Christopher Columbus Statue Outside City Hall Named After Columbus
July 1, 2020 By Tristan Justice

Columbus, Ohio, removed a statue of its namesake explorer Christopher Columbus outside City Hall Wednesday morning as the community succumbs to a woke reckoning on race, condemning the very leader it memorializes as a genocidal European imperialist.

According to ABC6 WSYX, crews arrived to bring down the statue in the early morning hours by order of the mayor, who announced last month the monument would be removed as early as possible.

Democratic Mayor Andrew Ginther said the Columbus Art Commission had been tasked with replacing the Columbus statue with public artwork that more accurately represents the community, as if the Ohio capital were not named after the legendary explorer who changed world history.

“For many people in our community, the statue represents patriarchy, oppression, and divisiveness,” Ginther said. “That does not represent our great city, and we will no longer live in the shadow of our ugly past.”


Smokin Joe:
Actually, he was a sailor who hoped to find a route to the orient that would make him wealthy.

All that other jibber jabber is just horse manure.

My City Was Gone (2007 Remaster)

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