Author Topic: Russian GRU unit paid bounties to Afghan militants for killing U.S. troops  (Read 3677 times)

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Offline Chosen Daughter

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No way ... another DEM fabricated scandal....say it isn't so?    *****rollingeyes*****

It isn't so.  I think regardless of Trump denying it this won't go away.  And if it is true then there is great incompetence in the Administration and the NSC.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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      Wait a second.
      This article is alleging that Trump has known about Putin paying to slaughter American soldiers since March and that there has been no response from the Trump administration.

      Not only that, since that time Trump has been vociferously advocating to allow Russia back into the G7. Even sent them respirators.
      This story is being run by the WSJ, the NYT, Fox etc. I'm expecting the Trump Administration to vehemently, "very strongly and powerfully" deny this traitorous libel and I wonder what the hell is taking so long to do so. Where's the f---ing tweet about this?


He did say that this report is nonsense.  #FakeNews, per the usual.

Offline Stevensr123

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He did say that this report is nonsense.  #FakeNews, per the usual.
he didn’t, he said the intel said it wasn’t credible. doesn’t mean the intel didn’t happen.

The question is who decided it wasn’t credible and was it due to diplomatic pressure.

the UK decided it was credible, and their is a bit uproar over it, there was a report over Russia coming out in November there and I’m guessing it’s suppressed because of this news.

Either way it’s terrible from this administration and their needs to be an investigation if any American soldiers have been killed due to this. If there was, wow worse than Benghazi 1000 percent.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 11:51:09 am by Stevensr123 »

Offline EdinVA

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This really funny.... we paid bounties all the time, both bushy and obama....
What is the difference between paying mercenaries and paying bounties?
How is this any reflection on Trump that the russians are alleged to be involved?
I would rather get our kids out of that hell hole and let them destroy each other.....

Offline Stevensr123

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This really funny.... we paid bounties all the time, both bushy and obama....
What is the difference between paying mercenaries and paying bounties?
How is this any reflection on Trump that the russians are alleged to be involved?
I would rather get our kids out of that hell hole and let them destroy each other.....
wow you are actually defending Russia for killing/outing bounties on your soldiers heads. give your head a wobble. It’s something the left would say.

If there is even a whiff of truth to it, trump administration should have been powerful enough to say NO!

Not butter them up and try allow them to rejoin the g7
« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 12:15:27 pm by Stevensr123 »

Offline aligncare

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Four years into the administration of the most intensely investigated president in American history, and just now—128 days before an election—we learn Donald Trump doesn’t care about American troops lives. How convenient.

Russia collusion V 2.0.

No sale.

Offline Stevensr123

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Four years into the administration of the most intensely investigated president in American history, and just now—128 days before an election—we learn Donald Trump doesn’t care about American troops lives. How convenient.

Russia collusion V 2.0.

No sale.
trump met with fat Kim which has resulted in nothing but embarrassment, set up a meeting with the taliban which has killed countless US soldiers, now it seems like his administration has looked the other way when Russia had a bounty on US soldiers. Horrible.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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he didn’t, he said the intel said it wasn’t credible. doesn’t mean the intel didn’t happen.

It means the intel was vetted and determined not to be credible (reliable, confirmed, dependable) ... which means it does not work its way up the food chain to the WH.  What confuses you here?

The question is who decided it wasn’t credible and was it due to diplomatic pressure.

Who are you accusing of applying diplomatic pressure?

the UK decided it was credible

Big fu*king whoop.  Are these the same UK folks who decided the Steele Dossier was credible?  Methinks we need to cut the UK out of our current and future assessments of Russian activity.  On this, the Brits are unreliable.

Either way it’s terrible from this administration and their needs to be an investigation if any American soldiers have been killed due to this. If there was, wow worse than Benghazi 1000 percent.

There will be an investigation.  I just hope you don't stroke out before it's completed @Stevensr123 .

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Stupid really should hurt, shouldn't it @aligncare    888blackhat

Offline EdinVA

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wow you are actually defending Russia for killing/outing bounties on your soldiers heads. give your head a wobble. It’s something the left would say.

If there is even a whiff of truth to it, trump administration should have been powerful enough to say NO!

Not butter them up and try allow them to rejoin the g7
Defending russia... lol.. just calling out hypocrisy and slander...

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Four years into the administration of the most intensely investigated president in American history, and just now—128 days before an election—we learn Donald Trump doesn’t care about American troops lives. How convenient.

Russia collusion V 2.0.  No sale.

Pinned Tweet

Scott Adams

Is it my imagination or is Great Britain running a Russia/bullshit intelligence operation against Trump for the second time?

3:15 PM · Jun 28, 2020·Twitter Web App


Offline Stevensr123

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It means the intel was vetted and determined not to be credible (reliable, confirmed, dependable) ... which means it does not work its way up the food chain to the WH.  What confuses you here?

Who are you accusing of applying diplomatic pressure?

Big fu*king whoop.  Are these the same UK folks who decided the Steele Dossier was credible?  Methinks we need to cut the UK out of our current and future assessments of Russian activity.  On this, the Brits are unreliable.

There will be an investigation.  I just hope you don't stroke out before it's completed @Stevensr123 .

On the steele dossier the uk intelligence said they didn’t think it was credible, that is well known.

“ Most significantly, then-British national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant claimed in the memo, hand-delivered to incoming U.S. national security adviser Mike Flynn’s team, that the British government lacked confidence in the credibility of former MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s Russia collusion evidence, according to congressional investigators who interviewed witnesses familiar with the memo.”

His mate said he believes him but he has a personal relationship.

And are you serious saying diplomatic relations are not involve in these things? Fact trump tried to dismiss it by saying not many have been murdered says it all.

He is talking about your soldiers their by the way!!!

Offline Stevensr123

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Defending russia... lol.. just calling out hypocrisy and slander...
you are. you are saying If the US does it, it’s ok for them to murder your own troops or put bounties on them without consequences. Because of hypocrisy.

And it’s bloody Russia ffs, the Republican Party used to be against that awful country, when did you lower your standards?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 12:37:16 pm by Stevensr123 »

Offline aligncare

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Stupid really should hurt, shouldn't it @aligncare    888blackhat

We all know (or should know by now) what democrats are all about. But, people who claim to be republicans? There’s a special place in remedial current events class for these folks.

Offline Smokin Joe

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trump met with fat Kim which has resulted in nothing but embarrassment, set up a meeting with the taliban which has killed countless US soldiers, now it seems like his administration has looked the other way when Russia had a bounty on US soldiers. Horrible.
Right, what is he supposed to do, Nuke the Kremlin?

The US Government looked the other way:
When Korean War POWs were not returned but hauled off to Siberia.
When Vietnam War POWs were not returned and hauled off to ? (John McCain even voted to abandon them. )

So, what do you propose? --And why haven't we heard even a peep about this before--this HAS been the longest military engagement (with the exception of Korea, which has been a standoff with a cease-fire for a long time) in our history. There's been plenty of time for this to leak. Nothing else in DC makes it a week.

Seems there is a UK/Russia rumor mill going again....Someone is either making things up, or colluding. Now who would that be again this time?
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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On the steele dossier the uk intelligence said they didn’t think it was credible, that is well known.

Really.... this is the story you're sticking with after all the damage they caused?   

“ Most significantly, then-British national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant claimed in the memo, hand-delivered to incoming U.S. national security adviser Mike Flynn’s team, that the British government lacked confidence in the credibility of former MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s Russia collusion evidence, according to congressional investigators who interviewed witnesses familiar with the memo.”

After the Brits got caught.  Without the esteemed British intelligence community Hillary would have had to go elsewhere for a fantasy report.  Lucky for BJ's bride the Brits were so accommodating of her.

And are you serious saying diplomatic relations are not involve in these things? Fact trump tried to dismiss it by saying not many have been murdered says it all.

I am seriously asking again:  Who are you accusing of using diplomatic pressure?  Your knowledge and insight into all of this is staggering, so surely you must know; or at least suspect.  Do share.

He is talking about your soldiers their by the way!!!

I know who we're talking about.  But if you don't stop hyperventilating at the prospect of Russiagate 2.0 --- I am seriously worried you will stroke out.  @Stevensr123

Offline Smokin Joe

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Well, I guess now that Trump has denied it, his supporters have permission to call the story fake news.   What's it like to have to wait for the master to tell you what to think and what to say?

By the way, the story from Catherine Herridge at CBS cited by @Right_in_Virginia above quotes an anonymous source also.  But I guess you believe that one because it's favorable to Trump. 

Whether this story about bounties is true and whether Trump knew about it or not -- it certainly merits investigation.  I am not going to take Trump's word or the word of the Russians or the Taliban that it never happened.
Russians flew planes against our pilots in Mig Alley, back in the Korean War.
Russians and Chinese advised and supplied the VC in Vietnam.
We have supplied a few combatants of our own, around the world.
As 'unsavory' as such things are, they occur.

When Russia (USSR) was fighting in Afghanistan, US supplied Stinger missiles (Shoulder launched, heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles) brought down countless Soviet helicopters full of troops. They were used by the Mujahedin, who later became the Taliban. Seems they don't like anyone messing with their opium trade, among other things.

The only remedy, of course, is to catch them in the combat zone and kill them.
Even giving the report of bounties offered by Russia for killing coalition troops hypothetical credibility:

Did Trump have anything to do with bounties being offered?
Was he aware that bounties were being offered?
Could Trump stop those bounties from being offered?
What do you think would be an appropriate action?
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Online mountaineer

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It isn't so.  I think regardless of Trump denying it this won't go away.  And if it is true then there is great incompetence in the Administration and the NSC.
If it's a lie - as appears to be the case - why shouldn't it go away? No matter how much one hates the president, a thinking  person, let alone a moral one, should NOT want to perpetuate lies.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 01:26:09 pm by mountaineer »

Offline Stevensr123

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Really.... this is the story you're sticking with after all the damage they caused?   

After the Brits got caught.  Without the esteemed British intelligence community Hillary would have had to go elsewhere for a fantasy report.  Lucky for BJ's bride the Brits were so accommodating of her.

I am seriously asking again:  Who are you accusing of using diplomatic pressure?  Your knowledge and insight into all of this is staggering, so surely you must know; or at least suspect.  Do share.

I know who we're talking about.  But if you don't stop hyperventilating at the prospect of Russiagate 2.0 --- I am seriously worried you will stroke out.  @Stevensr123
what do you mean the brits got caught?

Steele was out of the UK intel force at the time, for many years. , he got paid by some republicans to dig up dirt, then got paid by the Democrats.

When the report was distributed, the trump admin via Flynn asked about the credibility of it, and the uk government and uk intel said they doubted it. The end.


Offline Smokin Joe

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.

CBS News.  Home of the fake George Bush military records.

Sorry, but in my view if one story based on anonymous sources is suspect, then all of them are.
It's also where Sharyl Atkisson broke the MSM ice over Fast and Furious, iirc.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Chosen Daughter

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what do you mean the brits got caught?

Steele was out of the UK intel force at the time, for many years. , he got paid by some republicans to dig up dirt, then got paid by the Democrats.

When the report was distributed, the trump admin via Flynn asked about the credibility of it, and the uk government and uk intel said they doubted it. The end.


Don't let that bother you.  That person is Trumps mouthpiece on this site.  Its easier to spout Russia gate 2.0 than admit that Trump is in some serious trouble of his own making. 

Trump loves every evil dictator.  We stood by while he claimed friendship with Erdogan and let Turkey go in and attack the Kurds.  Our friends and allies against ISIS.  And claimed Syria was just "sand and death" as if it was no big deal that Christians who had been there since the time of Christ were once again the target of extremist Islam under the direction of Turkey.

Now here we are again.  Trump making peace deals with the Taliban while Russia is paying them to kill our troops.  He says he didn't know.  BS.  He knew.  I can't believe intelligence of that nature did not come across his desk. 

Also Russia has been increasingly confrontational off the coast of Alaska.  But Trump is calling for Russia to be part of the G7.  He says he has been hard on Russia, and people overlook his butt kissing.

Newsmax has the article today:

US Has Proof Russian Bounties Led to GI Deaths in Afghanistan

Several U.S. military personnel were killed as a result of bounties Russia put on American soldiers in Afghanistan, according to a new report.
The Washington Post reported Sunday evening that U.S. intelligence shows that the bounties, which Russia offered to militants with ties to the Taliban, led to multiple U.S. deaths.

We have never disregarded British intelligence like this before.   @Right_in_Virginia wants to poo poo another investigation as Russiagate 2.0 because it worked before.  The pity party is over.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Don't let that bother you.  That person is Trumps mouthpiece on this site.  Its easier to spout Russia gate 2.0 than admit that Trump is in some serious trouble of his own making. 

Trump loves every evil dictator.  We stood by while he claimed friendship with Erdogan and let Turkey go in and attack the Kurds.  Our friends and allies against ISIS.  And claimed Syria was just "sand and death" as if it was no big deal that Christians who had been there since the time of Christ were once again the target of extremist Islam under the direction of Turkey.

Now here we are again.  Trump making peace deals with the Taliban while Russia is paying them to kill our troops.  He says he didn't know.  BS.  He knew.  I can't believe intelligence of that nature did not come across his desk. 

Also Russia has been increasingly confrontational off the coast of Alaska.  But Trump is calling for Russia to be part of the G7.  He says he has been hard on Russia, and people overlook his butt kissing.

Newsmax has the article today:

US Has Proof Russian Bounties Led to GI Deaths in Afghanistan

Several U.S. military personnel were killed as a result of bounties Russia put on American soldiers in Afghanistan, according to a new report.
The Washington Post reported Sunday evening that U.S. intelligence shows that the bounties, which Russia offered to militants with ties to the Taliban, led to multiple U.S. deaths.

We have never disregarded British intelligence like this before.   @Right_in_Virginia wants to poo poo another investigation as Russiagate 2.0 because it worked before.  The pity party is over.

Another tossed word salad from our very own @Chosen Daughter   Bless her heart.

Offline Chosen Daughter

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Another tossed word salad from our very own @Chosen Daughter   Bless her heart.

And Bless your too.  Blessings to you.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline FeelNoPain

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  • Could have ended QAnon with a tweet.
Another tossed word salad from our very own @Chosen Daughter   Bless her heart.

@Right_in_Virginia Well, as a big fan of your wit, insight, articulation, etc, I have always believed that an indolent, oafish buffoon such as Trump is wholly undeserving of your vehement defense. Day after day, Trump farts out noisome falsities and you deign to ardently defend a man who is so beneath you.

I feel the same way about KellyAnne Conway.
"I’d like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. Like all Americans I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem...

To demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol: you have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law: you will pay." - President Donald J. Trump, January 7th, 2021

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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@Right_in_Virginia Well, as a big fan of your wit, insight, articulation, etc, I have always believed that an indolent, oafish buffoon such as Trump is wholly undeserving of your vehement defense. Day after day, Trump farts out noisome falsities and you deign to ardently defend a man who is so beneath you.

Thanks for sharing @FeelNoPain   Let me know if you'd like some help, you appear from this post to be very confused.

Either way ... enjoy your day.   happy77