State Chapters > State Politics/Government

North Portland Descends Into 'War Zone' as Antifa Tries to Set up Another 'Autonomous Zone'


PeteS in CA:
North Portland Descends Into 'War Zone' as Antifa Tries to Set up Another 'Autonomous Zone'

--- Quote ---Antifa instigators engaged in yet more looting, violence, and arson on Thursday night and Friday morning in Portland, Ore., as they tried to set up another “autonomous zone.”

“North Portland looks like a war zone right now,” Andy Ngo, editor-at-large of The Post Millennial, tweeted in the wee hours of Friday morning. “Antifa militants tried to establish an autonomous zone outside the [Portland Police] North Precinct. They then started fires in the street.”

“Antifa rioters have brought barricades & stolen property to build walls outside Portland Police North Precinct. They’re occupying the space & trying to recreate another autonomous zone like the one they did outside Ted Wheeler’s condo. A separate mob is demonstrating downtown,” Ngo reported.
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Several days ago I posted a news report about the Mayor of Portland having an "Autonomous Zone" that included her home cleared out. I expressed doubt that a different neighborhood would be similarly defended. She may be proving me wrong (frankly, I hope I was wrong).


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