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He Spent 5 Days in Seattle’s CHOP. Here’s What He Saw.


He Spent 5 Days in Seattle’s CHOP. Here’s What He Saw.

Rachel del Guidice   June 24, 2020 


Rachel del Guidice

Andy Ngo, the editor at large for the Canada-based Post Millennial, who was badly beaten by Antifa in June 2019, spent five days undercover in Seattle’s so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), also known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP). It’s a self-declared “autonomous” and cop-free zone.

    Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced on Monday that police will slowly return to the city’s East Precinct police station. It’s located in Seattle’s Capitol Hill area dubbed CHAZ or CHOP after being taken over by protesters demanding that the police department be defunded.

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--- Quote ---Several weeks ago, the City Council got a restraining order against the Seattle police that removed their legal right to use tear gas, pepper spray, flash bangs. So in the absence of those tools that are effective in dealing with a riot, they had no way to protect their building and they left.
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Liberal government in-action....


--- Quote from: EdinVA on June 25, 2020, 12:01:28 pm ---Liberal government in-action....

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Ban non lethal weapons and all that’s left for self defense are service revolvers; so shootings and deaths go up.

Real smart.


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