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State Senator: Gretchen Whitmer ‘Cold-Blooded Killed’ Nursing Home Patients; Vows to Prosecute Gover


Kyle Olson 23 Jun 2020

A Michigan state senator believes Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) “cold-blooded killed” nursing home patients with her coronavirus policy and vows to prosecute her if he is elected Macomb County prosecutor this fall.

No BS News Hour host Charlie LeDuff noted Michigan is one of the last states to allow commingling of coronavirus and non-coronavirus patients in nursing homes.

State Sen. Peter Lucido (R-Shelby Township) told LeDuff, “What our governor has done is literally cold-blooded killed the most injured parties that are out there. The ones that have compromised immune systems—cold-blooded.”

Lucido said, “Science and data do not support infecting healthy people who have to be protected at all costs,” referring to elderly patients in the nursing homes.

He added that those facilities had to fight with hospitals for personal protective equipment, and hospitals had “first dibs,” and that ventilators, doctors, and other things found in hospitals were not present in the nursing homes.

LeDuff was irate and urged Whitmer to “swallow your pride” and change the policy. Or as he said, “Get the damn shit fixed.”


NY judical and legislators bringing up murder charges on Cuomo in 4....3...2...  (nevermind)

PeteS in CA:
That order is still in force?!!! CA's Goobernor Nuisance rescinded it after 10 days, IIRC, and even Goobernor Cumo rescinded it after a month (also IIRC).

The Feds permitted such transfers - with careful guidelines - to prevent hospital overcrowding at the height of the epidemic. We're long past that pinnacle, even in NY. There's no excuse for Whitmer not to have rescinded this order a month or two ago.

Gov Whitmer seems perfectly capable of intentionally infecting nursing home seniors based upon their general voting tendencies. I've heard too many leftists long for the passing away of the previous generation.


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