Author Topic: Congress Has Less Than a Month to Ward Off Needless Harm to the US Military  (Read 185 times)

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 Congress Has Less Than a Month to Ward Off Needless Harm to the US Military

    By Rep. Ken Calvert R-California 

June 21, 2020

The ranking member of the House’s Defense Appropriations panel lays out how it would hurt to start fiscal 2021 with a continuing resolution.

As our country confronts numerous challenges that hit the front pages of our newspapers every day, in the background there is a clock ticking and the noise is getting louder. As of Sunday, Congress has just 28 legislative days to finish our annual appropriations bills. For too many years, we have fallen behind in our work and relied on continuing resolutions to bridge the gap until we can pass final appropriations bills. This inefficient way of operating comes at a steep cost to the American taxpayer and to our warfighters: roughly $1.7 billion a month is wasted at the Defense Department through the inability to sign contracts, delays in production, and other downstream effects, according to the office of the DoD comptroller. As our adversaries improve their arsenals and others expand their reach and ambitions, this is no way to run the most sophisticated and professional fighting force in the world.