Author Topic: America's Zumwalt Stealth Destroyer Isn't Perfect, But It Could Sink a Battleship  (Read 185 times)

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June 20, 2020

America's Zumwalt Stealth Destroyer Isn't Perfect, But It Could Sink a Battleship

Zumwalt has a lot of missiles to throw at Wisconsin.
by Robert Farley Follow drfarls on Twitter L

Here's What You Need To Remember: Zumwalt will enter service over seventy years after Wisconsin. If we start the fight with different assumptions (without Zumwalt’s long range munitions, or without the Tomahawk Block IV), then things look rather better for the battleship, but the destroyer probably still inflicts serious damage and escapes. It is nevertheless remarkable to imagine that Wisconsin could possibly survive the fight, even in battered condition.

What would happen if the US Navy’s latest destroyer, the USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) fought against the Navy’s last battleship, the USS Wisconsin (BB-64)? Fireworks.