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Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« on: June 19, 2020, 07:15:10 pm »
Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol

By Gopal Ratnam
Posted June 18, 2020 at 5:56pm

House Intelligence Committee, with Republicans absent, urges social media platforms to be vigilant about disinformation

Facebook on Thursday took down a Trump campaign ad that used an inverted red triangle — a Nazi symbol used to designate political prisoners in concentration camps — to target “far-left” groups and so-called antifa.

The ads appeared in paid posts by the Team Trump campaign as well as by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. They began running on Wednesday and had as many as 1 million impressions before being taken down, The Washington Post reported.

“We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate,” a Facebook spokeswoman said in an email. “Our policy prohibits using a banned hate group's symbol to identify political prisoners without the context that condemns or discusses the symbol.”

The Facebook ads said, "Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting — it's absolute madness." Below the copy was the inverted red triangle that Nazis used to designate political prisoners.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 07:15:56 pm by Chosen Daughter »
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2020, 07:34:21 pm »

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the APP

This is an emoji.🔻

It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa.

It is not in the ADL's Hate Symbols Database.

In a comment to Breitbart News, Trump Campaign Director of Communications Tim Murtaugh said: “The inverted red triangle is a symbol used by Antifa, so it was included in an ad about Antifa. We would note that Facebook still has an inverted red triangle emoji in use, which looks exactly the same, so it’s curious that they would target only this ad. The image is also not included in the Anti-Defamation League’s database of symbols of hate. But it is ironic that it took a Trump ad to force the media to implicitly concede that Antifa is a hate group.”

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2020, 07:37:14 pm »
Geometric shapes can be racist? Why didn't Euclid warn us?!!! *****rollingeyes*****  *****rollingeyes*****  *****rollingeyes*****
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2020, 07:42:16 pm »
Ronna McDaniel

Big Tech has gone insane.

They are banning a @realDonaldTrump ad that looks exactly the same as one of Facebook’s own emojis, graphics used on every cable network, and street signs all across the country.

Are you kidding me?

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2020, 08:01:33 pm »
Its the same illuminati symbol Trump makes with his hands all the time.

the ads said nothing about it being Antifa symbol.   And I can't find it on images under Antifa.

It also symbolizes family planning and population control

An inverted Red Triangle is the symbol for family planning health and contraception services, much as the red cross is a symbol for medical services.[citation needed] It is especially prevalent in many developing nations such as India, Ghana, Gambia, Zimbabwe, Egypt and Thailand, where it can be seen outside shops and clinics that offer family planning products, and as in commercial and government messages that promote reproductive health services and population control. It is frequently placed on contraceptive products, such as condoms, diaphragms, spermicidal gel, and IUDs (for instance, on the government-subsidized Nirodh condoms in India and Sultan condoms in Gambia).

The gays use it too
« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 08:28:32 pm by Chosen Daughter »
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2020, 08:13:52 pm »
This stuff is about as crazy as saying the "OK" sign is racist.
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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2020, 08:30:18 pm »
This stuff is about as crazy as saying the "OK" sign is racist.

What was the purpose then?  They didn't put one that had Antifa written inside.  It was posted deliberately with some intention.  What was it?  People should be careful about symbolism.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline Chosen Daughter

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2020, 08:36:25 pm »
4.0 out of 5 stars
History of attacks on Masonry from the Nazis onwards
Reviewed in the United States on June 27, 2011

Most people know that when Nazi Germany began the campaign of persecution against the Jews which was to culminate in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, they started by forcing them to wear an identifying badge. Rather fewer people know that Hitler's regime also required the other groups they were trying to make scapegoats for Germany's problems, such as gays and masons, to wear similar distinguishing badges.

The Red Triangle was the badge which the nazis ordered freemasons to wear. (Jews had to wear a yellow triangle, gays a pink one).

That's the sort of detail you will pick up in this book, written by the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

The author was clearly provoked into writing this book by the campaign of vilification of Freemasonry by the British and particularly Scottish press which followed the Dunblane massacre. (For those who have not heard of this sickening tragedy, a lone gunman walked into a school and shot dead a teacher and most of a class of small children.) This book is to some extent a response to that those attacks.

The author is manifestly (and justifiably) furious about the fact that within a few days of the Dunblane tragedy it was (wrongly) suggested in a newspaper that the murderer had been a freemason, that within days of that suggestion half the British media were repeating this suggesion as if it had been a fact and putting forward a narrative that the murderer had been protected by fellow-masons in the local police, and that this was used as pretext for an orgy of verbal mason-bashing.

This narrative contained not one shred of truth: the offical inquiry confirmed that the murderer, Thomas Hamilton was not and had never been a freemason - in fact the masons were one of the (many) groups against whom he had an axe to grind.

(The killer did have a relative by the same name who had been a mason, and it is not quite impossible that some of those who put forward the allegation that the murderer had been protected because he was a mason had confused the two men).

Mr Cooper's sense of anger and injustice at the barrage of criticisms which were launched against Freemasonry as a result of this misapprehension comes through very strongly in the book. It might have been slightly more effective, particularly from the perspective of non-masons, if in one or two places the author had taken a step back, thought about how an unbiased but not necessarily well-informed outsider might see things, and taken a little more time to calmly explain precisely why some of the allegations made by the modern press are unfair. I write this as a mason myself, and one who agrees with most of what he writes. But I suspect a completely neutral and fair-minded observer would find it difficult to argue with Mr Cooper's contention that some critics of masonry had judged the organisation guilty before making any attempt to assess the evidence, or to give fair opportunity for a reply.

This book neither is not claims to be a comprehensive account of prejudice against masons, but it does include the best account I have read of the aspects of the Nazi holocaust which were directed against European masonry.

The fact that Hitler murdered six million Jews, and a similar number of gypsies, in his insane attempt to eradicate two entire races has naturally and rightly attracted a huge amount of attention.

There were other campaigns of mass murder which were part of the same process, and which entailed an amount of death and suffering which would normally cause them to be remembered in their own right among the worst crimes in history, but because the number of victims was one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the numbers of Jews and Gypsies who died in the "Final Solution," these further crimes have tended to be overlooked or subsumed in the overall tragedy.

One such campaign was the attempt by the Nazis to exterminate Freemasonry, an organisation which they condemned because it brings men of all races and different religions together, and this was offensive to Nazi racial and nationalist views. The nazis also associated Masonry with the mythical worldwide "Jewish conspiracy".

It is impossible to be certain how many masons were murdered by the Nazi regime and those of their fascist allies such as Franco and Mussolini, but it was certainly in the tens of thousands, and the estimate of 80,000 quoted in this book is probably as close to accurate as anyone can hope to get.

Each time the nazi regime conquered another country, one of the first things they did was move against all those citizens of that countries who they considered their enemies, including Jews, trade unionists, Communists, and freemasons. All too many of their victims in all those categories ended up dead. Plans for the occupation of Britain drawn up by Hitler's regime in 1940 and found by the allies after the war prove that if the nazis had won the Battle of Britain the same would have happened in the United Kingdom. Masons figured prominently on the lists of British people who the Nazis had marked down as hostile elements to be arrested in the event of a successful German invasion.

I learned from this book that the administrator of the Holocaust, Adolf Eichmann, began his career in the Nazi Security service (SD) by collecting intelligence on Freemasons, and later employed some of the experience he gained by monitoring masons when he moved to the department which monitored Jewish people and ultimately organised their mass murder.

In this context it is hardly surprising that from the time of the Second World War until memories of the Nazi persecution began to fade about 50 years later, masonry in many European countries including Britain went through a period of being rather more secretive than had hitherto, or has subsequently, been the case.

In Britain this secrecy was deliberately abandoned in the mid 1990's. Freemasonry today cannot be described by any reasonable and informed person as a "secret society" - which unfortunately does not stop that allegation from being made.

If anyone reading this has a problem with the statement that Freemasonry is not a secret society, ask yourself this.

How many secret societies have a headquarters which is openly described on any decent map of London or Edinburgh, which they rent out to bodies like the Royal Opera House for public events, and of which they offer the general public daily tours? Or for that matter a huge memorial building in the American capital which is one of the most prominent buildings on the skyline of Washington D.C. and which is also open to the public? (I refer to the George Washinton masonic memorial building, which includes a tower which gives arguably the best view of the capital city.)

How many secret societies have a website which anyone can access? What sort of secret society publishes yearbooks with lists of their officers, and a directory of lodges and chapters which anyone can buy online, listing all branches and where and when they meet? How many secret societies are listed in the phone directory?

All these things are true either of the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and mostly both. My impression is that very much the same applies to Masonry in the United States.

This book is written partly from a British perspective and partly from a Scottish one. It begins with the Dunblane murders, and the suggestion in the press that the killer, Thomas Hamilton, might have been a mason. It continues with a fairly detailed account of the torrent of press and political attacks on masonry which followed.

As mentioned, "The red triangle" does not claim to be a comprehensive survey: it concentrates mostly on the holocaust and on political and press opposition to masonry in Europe and Britain. If you want to read a book which complements this, you may be interested in "A Pilgrim's Path: Freemasonry and the Religious Right" by the late US historian John Robinson which concentrates on religious opposition to masonry, particularly but by no means exclusively in America.

Overall "The Red Triangle" is a reasonably well written study which should be of interest both to anyone who wants to learn about a little-known aspect of the Holocaust, or is making a study of how groups can become the target of a media "feeding frenzy." It isn't really an answer to anti-masonic books like "The Brotherhood" but it will give the reader an idea of how books like that appear to people on the receiving end.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2020, 08:42:42 pm »
There are approximately 2,000,000 Freemasons in the United States and over 5,000,000 world wide though membership is declining.  Though their various lodges have websites due to modern day technology, many of their "secrets" are still secret.  Memorization of those secrets is passed on from person to person; generation after generation.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 08:47:05 pm by libertybele »
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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2020, 08:46:23 pm »
Any port in a storm, @Chosen Daughter.  Anything to make the point that Trump is the evilest person to ever set foot in the White Hut.  How much rent do you normally charge for that space in your head where Trump lives?
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2020, 08:55:11 pm »
Any port in a storm, @Chosen Daughter.  Anything to make the point that Trump is the evilest person to ever set foot in the White Hut.  How much rent do you normally charge for that space in your head where Trump lives?

Well take your pick.  It could mean many things.

Red triangle – political prisoners: social democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anarchists, gentiles who assisted Jews; trade unionists; and Freemasons.

I didn't post it.  Trump and Pence did.  Somebody knows what they were trying to convey.  I guess Facebook made a decision according to what they knew.  Maybe Q knows what the secret symbol posted meant to them?
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2020, 09:03:59 pm »
The triangular pin that Trump's inner circle wear so the Secret Service can spot them - sending conspiracy theorists wild with bizarre claims about Nazis and secret societies
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2020, 09:05:40 pm »
Its the same illuminati symbol Trump makes with his hands all the time. ...
The gays use it too

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2020, 09:13:44 pm »
Any port in a storm, @Chosen Daughter.  Anything to make the point that Trump is the evilest person to ever set foot in the White Hut.  How much rent do you normally charge for that space in your head where Trump lives?

And you are complaining about me.  Just wait for the full blowback from Jewish people.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2020, 09:21:59 pm »
 :silly: Maybe some Mod should move this thread to the Alternate Realities forum. :silly:

Was Euclid a Freemason? Of the Illuminati? Opus Dei? All three, :silly: ?
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2020, 09:48:51 pm »
And you are complaining about me.  Just wait for the full blowback from Jewish people.

@Cyber Liberty Do you need help from some more nurses, to get her back in her room, and to take her meds?
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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2020, 09:59:26 pm »
There’s conspiracy theories and then there are conspiracy theories, but this one missed its connecting flight to sanity and lost its luggage.

Someone should write a book on Trump conspiracies. A coffee table joke book. Be a barrels of laughs at a party.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2020, 10:07:41 pm »
And you are complaining about me.  Just wait for the full blowback from Jewish people.
Could you please explain what you meant by this comment?

Have you confused the pink and yellow triangles of Nazi Germany - signifying homosexuals and Jews, respectively, with a red triangle? Just trying to understand. Thanks.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 10:19:47 pm by Mod1 »

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2020, 12:58:35 am »
Could you please explain what you meant by this comment?

Have you confused the pink and yellow triangles of Nazi Germany - signifying homosexuals and Jews, respectively, with a red triangle? Just trying to understand. Thanks.

Red triangle – political prisoners: social democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anarchists, gentiles who assisted Jews; trade unionists; and Freemasons.

And it seems that the Trump campaign has used the red triangle with Antifa across it to explain why they posted a Nazi patch on their facebook.  Nazi's had patches for all the different people they imprisoned.    So if the point was anarchy they used the right Nazi symbol.  And I could not find the same Antifa red triangle with Antifa written in it.  Only from Trump trying to cover using Nazi symbolism.

From Montreal Holocaust Museum

Classification of Prisoners in Nazi Camps

The Nazis persecuted Jews and other groups whom they considered to be against the regime or not belonging to the “Aryan race”. Each group of prisoners was identified by a different-coloured triangle: black for the Roma and anti-socials, purple for Jehovah’s Witnesses, pink for homosexuals, green for criminals, and red for political opponents. This last category included communists, persons who were active in resistance movements and individuals who openly opposed the Nazi regime.

The Nazis used triangles to identify the reasons why concentration camp prisoners were there.
Upon seeing the ad, last night, advocacy group Bend the Arc: Jewish Action pointed out that the Nazis used precisely the same upside-down red triangle “to mark political prisoners and people who rescued Jews.”

“Their masks are off,” Bend the Arc tweeted.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2020, 01:15:24 am by Chosen Daughter »
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2020, 01:17:58 am »
So, @Chosen Daughter, Trump is to be prohibited from using any triangles in his advertising, even though Antifa can use it any way they want?  I can see the reasoning behind that, Bookface doesn't want the Bad Orange Man advertising on "their" platform, and thus contribute to his winning. 

It helps make the case they should not have the anti-trust exemption they enjoy.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2020, 01:20:45 am »
Red triangle – political prisoners: social democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anarchists, gentiles who assisted Jews; trade unionists; and Freemasons.

And it seems that the Trump campaign has used the red triangle with Antifa across it to explain why they posted a Nazi patch on their facebook.  Nazi's had patches for all the different people they imprisoned.    So if the point was anarchy they used the right Nazi symbol.  And I could not find the same Antifa red triangle with Antifa written in it.  Only from Trump trying to cover using Nazi symbolism.

From Montreal Holocaust Museum

Classification of Prisoners in Nazi Camps

The Nazis persecuted Jews and other groups whom they considered to be against the regime or not belonging to the “Aryan race”. Each group of prisoners was identified by a different-coloured triangle: black for the Roma and anti-socials, purple for Jehovah’s Witnesses, pink for homosexuals, green for criminals, and red for political opponents. This last category included communists, persons who were active in resistance movements and individuals who openly opposed the Nazi regime.

The Nazis used triangles to identify the reasons why concentration camp prisoners were there.
Upon seeing the ad, last night, advocacy group Bend the Arc: Jewish Action pointed out that the Nazis used precisely the same upside-down red triangle “to mark political prisoners and people who rescued Jews.”

“Their masks are off,” Bend the Arc tweeted.

I'm a  little confused here  @Chosen Daughter .... trying to follow what you're saying. Are you saying that Trump used a red triangle to make offense towards the Jewish people? 
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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2020, 01:24:25 am »
This is equally (not more) ridiculous as the triangle thing:

« Last Edit: June 20, 2020, 01:26:06 am by Cyber Liberty »
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2020, 01:25:39 am »
I'm a  little confused here  @Chosen Daughter .... trying to follow what you're saying. Are you saying that Trump used a red triangle to make offense towards the Jewish people?

No, it's because Trump is a crypto-Nazi. 
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed:

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2020, 01:27:39 am »
No, it's because Trump is a crypto-Nazi.

Well this changes everything.

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Re: Facebook takes down Trump campaign ads with Nazi symbol
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2020, 01:30:35 am »
I'm a  little confused here  @Chosen Daughter .... trying to follow what you're saying. Are you saying that Trump used a red triangle to make offense towards the Jewish people?

You can be confused but I am not.  He used a symbol that the Nazi's used for political prisoners in Nazi camps.  For people who rescued Jews, communists, anarchist and any political dissidents.  I don't know how much clearer it could be.

Not only did he use it.   He used it to have people sign a petition.  The very large upside down triangle underneath with no explanation of what it meant.  It is not Antifa symbolism.   
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.