Author Topic: More Aircraft Carriers: The F-35B Is Revolutionizing The Navy's 'Harrier Carrier' Concept  (Read 277 times)

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June 18, 2020
U.S. NavyAmerica

More Aircraft Carriers: The F-35B Is Revolutionizing The Navy's 'Harrier Carrier' Concept

Light carriers might seem like an attractive option for many navies that are trying to enhance their at-sea aviation capabilities.
by David Axe Follow @daxe on Twitter L

Here's What You Need To Remember: Cheaper and easier to build and maintain than 100,000-ton supercarriers are, light carriers might seem like an attractive option for many navies that are trying to enhance their at-sea aviation capabilities.

As the Marines in recent years began replacing old AV-8Bs and other jets with "fifth-generation" F-35s, planners dusted off the "Harrier carrier" concept and rebranded it as the "Lightning carrier." Other naval experts simply refer to the Harrier and Lightning carriers as "light carriers."

Offline ironhorsedriver

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The concept is a good one, as long as the Fleet Carriers are with them. Fleet Carriers have much more capability. Early Warning Aircraft, mixed capability Aircraft. In the 70's, we had 7 different type of aircraft with diverse roles, aboard our carriers. Plus Fleet Carriers have more Aircraft than some 3rd world countries entire Air Force. The Jeep carriers would be limited in capability.