WTF? Next they’ll recommend hermetic sealing!
Our immune system is a nearly blank slate at birth and it requires exposure to and sampling of antigens in the environment in order to develop a full array of the antibodies that will protect us from being overwhelmed by even the most normally harmless of organisms.
Microbiologists (professors and researchers) understand better than practicing medical doctors that humans exist, have always existed, in symbiosis with microbes. This balance is a necessary feature of life, it’s not an error in the design and panoply of life. Medical doctors on the other hand are mostly focused on attacking and destroying opportunistic microbes, because it becomes necessary sometimes when they overgrow and natural immunity fails.
But the overuse of antibiotics and the constant sterilization of hands and proximate environment is an impediment to and unhelpful towards developing a robust immune system.
We need to stop with the masks and shields and get back to that system of balance—to get back to life.