Author Topic: The Texas Minute for 6/15/2020  (Read 375 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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The Texas Minute for 6/15/2020
« on: June 16, 2020, 12:11:47 pm »
The Texas Minute 6/15/2020

Good morning,

As the militant Left continues to riot and call to defund the police it’s clear those efforts must be rebuffed. But what should be done?

This is the Texas Minute.

-Brandon Waltens

•   As violent riots and demands to defund the police continue across the nation, some cowardly Republican lawmakers have been quick to give into the mob. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s Cary Cheshire argues that would be a grave mistake, but so too would be defending a status quo that jeopardizes the lives and liberty of citizens.
•   So what should conservatives demand from their lawmakers? Cheshire outlines four reforms he says will make America safer for both the general public and those sworn to keep the peace.

End No-Knock Raids

•   Whether you’re a law-abiding citizen or even a common criminal, you have the right that no one can deprive you of your life or liberty without due process of law.
•   You’d expect if you’re accused of a crime, you would be served with a notice to appear or police officers would present a warrant to search your house or arrest you.
•   Just last year in Houston, a no-knock raid obtained under false pretenses resulted in the deaths of two citizens and injuries to four police officers.
•   A few weeks ago, the mother of a Killeen man killed in a no-knock raid in 2019 filed suit against the city and four police officers, alleging her son’s rights were violated in the no-knock raid.
•   No-knock raids eschew our standard procedure and jeopardize the lives of the public and police officers in the process.

End Vehicle Inspections, Other Minor Infractions

•   One of the best ways to protect law enforcement officers and the general public is to limit the amount of confrontations they’re required to have, especially through dangerous procedures like traffic stops.
•   In fact, a traffic stop is one of the most dangerous procedures a police officer can perform. In 2017 alone, 47 law enforcement officers were killed in traffic-related incidents.
•   Are yearly vehicle inspections truly necessary? Are expired registration stickers worth putting the life of a citizen or a law enforcement officer at risk? Many conservatives believe they aren’t. Despite that, legislation to end the practice has repeatedly stalled in the state legislature.
•   Lawmakers need to pursue a careful review of the laws they charge law enforcement officers with enforcing. And items like mandatory vehicle inspections, registrations, and other minor issues that force unnecessary stops and create more problems than they solve should be repealed.

Deport All Illegal Aliens

•   Any well-functioning society depends upon law and order, yet roughly 20 million individuals live in our nation illegally.
•   Even many Republican leaders are quick to cede ground to the left on the issue, saying things like “we can’t just deport them” and “we have to come up with a realistic solution.”
•   Enforcing our existing laws and removing them from our streets would reduce the strain on governmental resources, remove criminals from our nations, and ensure law enforcement is better able to solve crimes without being forced to obtain fluency in another language other than English to protect public order and administer justice.

Pass Constitutional Carry, Expand Gun Rights

•   Despite often being touted as a “gun-friendly” state, Texas is woefully behind. Texas is among a minority of states that does not entirely recognize the inherent right and value of law-abiding citizens keeping and bearing arms.
•   Instead, those who wish to carry a handgun openly or concealed must ask their government for permission first—a move restricting the liberty of citizens and endangering them and their property.
•   â€œConstitutional Carry”, or permitless carry, has been the top legislative priority of the Republican party of Texas for the past seven years, and yet legislation has been repeatedly killed in the Texas House. This past session, the bill wasn’t even filed in the Texas Senate
Conservatives interested in meaningful reform to protect public order while respecting the lives and dignity of all Americans should contact their lawmakers at all levels of government to demand they support these prudent measures.

Today in History

On June 15, 1775, the Second Continental Congress voted unanimously to appoint George Washington head of the Continental Army.

"Where law ends, tyranny begins. Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it."

-William Pitt the Elder

Offline catfish1957

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Re: The Texas Minute for 6/15/2020
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2020, 12:37:27 pm »
Do not agree with this one....
End Vehicle Inspections, Other Minor Infractions

* Just think how many senseless deaths would occur if uninspected, un-maintained vehicles are allowed to flourish in Texas.  Allowing clattertraps to infest the road is not the way to go.

* Stop minor traffic stops? 
(1) Doing this will add many many additonal emboldened intoxicated and high drivers. 
(2) Taxes will go up for law enforcement.  I'd just as soon let the stupid and risk taking drivers foot the bill. 
(3) And honestly, does the author think dangerous stops will end as a procedure based on these guidelines?
(4) Watch what happens to insurance rates, once our highways turn into the wild wild west.

I think the author had good intentions, but this idea has huge potential in incur the Law of Unintended Consequences

I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline berdie

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Re: The Texas Minute for 6/15/2020
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2020, 09:24:06 pm »
Do not agree with this one....
End Vehicle Inspections, Other Minor Infractions

* Just think how many senseless deaths would occur if uninspected, un-maintained vehicles are allowed to flourish in Texas.  Allowing clattertraps to infest the road is not the way to go.

I'm sorry...but I have always thought the "inspection" was a scam. They really don't ban claptraps at least not around here. I had to get my vehicle inspected so I could get my tags this month.  Funny thing...they told me to press the brake, click on the lights and turn on the signals. I passed!!!

That being said...I do think they should end the "no-knock". Very dangerous for all parties concerned. imho