State Chapters > NY/NJ

‘Thin blue line’ flag removed from N.J. town. Now residents want blue line off the street.


Thin blue line’ flag removed from N.J. town. Now residents want blue line off the street.

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For weeks, a black-and-white American flag with a blue stripe down the middle stood above the New Jersey Turnpike.

The flag, posted on an overpass in Woodbridge Township, appeared this spring, residents say.

Now, some are relieved that it has been removed. Residents who objected to the “thin blue line” flag says its message stands in opposition to the fight against systemic racism.

Those who use the flag say it is a way to support police. But the image has come to be associated with the Blue Lives Matter movement, whose very formation was a response to the Black Lives Matter movement.

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Haven’t seen it but for those who think “what exit” I believe it would be exit 11 on the turnpike.


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