Author Topic: Some Random Thoughts From One Who Lived Through This Before  (Read 139 times)

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Saturday, June 13, 2020
Some Random Thoughts From One Who Lived Through This Before
Nothing in life teaches as well as experience - particularly BAD experiences.

We're surrounded by the detritus of some really bad ideas. Few are original - most have been recycled from discredited ideas (many from foreign countries). It's like Leftists live an existence comparable to that of a person with brain damage that prevents them from forming new long-term memories. They can have experiences, over and over again, without learning a thing from them.

McCarthyism has long been the Bogeymen for the Left - according to their memories, the Evil Bad Man of the 1950s terrorized the entire country, jailed countless citizens, and - by government decree - fired them all. ALL of the people he named were completely innocent of any involvement in promoting communism, and were unjustly hounded into early deaths.