Author Topic: Black Lives Matter Considers Martin Luther King Jr. A Racist?  (Read 161 times)

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Black Lives Matter Considers Martin Luther King Jr. A Racist?

by DCWhispers | Jun 9, 2020 | DC Whispers

It’s clown-world on full display these days as black power “activists” openly (and sometimes violently) repudiate the teachings and philosophy of none other than Martin Luther King.

Where King pushed for basic equality of opportunity, today’s Black Lives Matter protesters demand preferential treatment and attacks on any and all who oppose that demand, including other black voices calling for some semblance of sanity.

In short, Black Lives Matter is a radicalized movement that Martin Luther King Jr. would have been horrified by as it runs counter to nearly everything he advocated – namely a world in which skin color didn’t matter nearly so much as the content of one’s character.

Check out how this childish, selfish, and potentially very dangerous, outlook moves to attack minority voices of reason in today’s America: