Author Topic: Elon Musk tweets 'time to break up Amazon' in defense of coronavirus skeptic  (Read 170 times)

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Mashable By Matt Binder 6/5/2020

Elon Musk is tweeting again.

The eccentric billionaire ended his short Twitter sabbatical to post about how ecommerce giant Amazon is a monopoly that needs to be broken up.

Usually, this is a call that would be echoed by progressives such as Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. However, the reason Musk jumped back on Twitter and called for Amazon’s breakup was to defend a former New York Times writer who has become a bit of a right wing celebrity due to his coronavirus skepticism.

“This is insane @JeffBezos,” posted Musk referring to the company’s decision to remove a coronavirus book authored by the former Times writer, Alex Berenson, from its platform. As you can see, he even tagged Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos in the tweet.

“Time to break up Amazon. Monopolies are wrong!” he continued.

Amazon has since reinstated Berenson’s book. A spokesperson for the company said its removal was a mistake.

“Thanks to @ElonMusk and everyone who helped,” tweeted the author in his announcement about the book going back on sale.
