Author Topic: City Pays Antifa Militant Who Praises Cop Killers for Taking Rubber Bullet During Violent Protest  (Read 250 times)

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May 27, 2020 | Judicial Watch
City Pays Antifa Militant Who Praises Cop Killers for Taking Rubber Bullet During Violent Protest

A renowned Antifa militant who publicly celebrates attacks on law enforcement is getting a cash settlement from a big U.S. city after claiming in a federal lawsuit that his civil rights were violated during a violent protest with his fellow extremists. The incident occurred in August 2018 when hundreds of radical leftists, including masked Antifa militants, confronted police and conservatives in downtown Portland, Oregon. Rowdy demonstrators used pepper spray against police and threw fireworks, bottles, rocks and ball bearings, according to a local news report. Videos of police in riot gear are embedded in the story, which says that protestors were armed with knives, traded blows and drew blood.