State Chapters > NY/NJ

Andrew Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home execs after big campaign donations

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Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: skeeter on May 27, 2020, 01:20:47 pm ---... and dismissed by the rat media.

--- End quote ---
They are part of it, hence the din...of the nufin clan.

Dinsee nufin...

Dindo nufin...

Dinhear nufin...

Dinsay nufin...

The immunity nursing home execs should get in New York should come from Cuomo being made liable for the consequences of his order that they accept COVID-19 positive patients, even though they were not set up to provide proper PPE for staff nor to quarantine infected arrivals, not from a grant of immunity from the state government.

Am curious whether the governor has the legal right to give immunity.

Seems the legislature needs to weigh in with approved legislation if they have not done so on this subject at some other time

Smokin Joe:
At some point, there should be Federal Charges. Start at the top and none in the State is immune.

Doesn't surprise me at all.  This is the same Party that refused to outlaw lynching in the 1930s and filibustered against the Civil Rights Act.


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