State Chapters > Illinois

Illinois Gov. Pritzker family owns stake in company providing COVID-19 tests



Illinois Gov. Pritzker family owns stake in company providing COVID-19 tests
By Pamela Geller - on May 19, 2020

    Matthew Rago, Editor-in-Chief, NEIU Independent, May 18, 2020

    A private capital group owned by the Pritzker family possesses a stake in a COVID-19 testing, according to the Pritzker Group Private Capital website.

    According to the company’s website, PathGroup, which describes itself as one of the largest “private providers of anatomic pathology and clinical lab services” in the United States, partnered with Pritzker Group Private Capital to recapitalize, or replace debt with stock, in 2016.

    An announcement dated Aug. 1, 2016, reads:

        “Pritzker Group Private Capital and co-investors including Vesey Street Capital Partners invested alongside PathGroup’s management team and pathologists, who continue to hold a significant ownership stake in PathGroup and will continue to lead the company’s growth as the preferred provider of comprehensive anatomic, clinical and molecular pathology services.”

PeteS in CA:
The number of sources providing testing and test materials is fairly large, and the chances that a large % of American peoples' 401Ks are invested in funds that include one or more such testing and test materials sources is similarly large. So there's no big thing here unless Putzker has required/influenced the State of Michigan to buy from this particular company.


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