Author Topic: An artifact found in South Africa can rewrite the history of mankind  (Read 1732 times)

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Earth Chronicles by space · May 20, 2020

An international team of scientists studied the artifact found back in the 1960s on the east coast of South Africa in a layer over 60 thousand years old, and came to the conclusion that it is the oldest arrowhead, oiled with poison.

The study was published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews, and the author’s group briefly described it on Scientists have studied the long, thin and spiky artifact found in the caves of the Klasis River, which flows along the east coast of South Africa.

We are talking about a product that has been extracted from a layer over 60 thousand years old. Researchers note that even visually it is very similar to the thousands of bone arrowheads used by local San hunter-gatherers from the 18th to 20th centuries.

This artifact was excavated back in the 1960s, but until recently no one suspected its importance. The fact is that initially it was incorrectly dated. In a new study, scientists used a combined approach, including microscopic analysis of bone surface, high resolution computed tomography and non-destructive chemical analysis
