Author Topic: Biden Concedes Domestic Policy to Sanders, Forms Task Forces Packed With Radicals  (Read 235 times)

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Friday, 15 May 2020
Biden Concedes Domestic Policy to Sanders, Forms Task Forces Packed With Radicals
Written by  R. Cort Kirkwood

Biden Concedes Domestic Policy to Sanders, Forms Task Forces Packed With Radicals

It looks like Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden might get that $100 million pay-off after all.

Pursuant to the quid-pro-quo arranged when socialist Bernie Sanders endorsed Biden last month, the two have established “unity task forces” that will set the new administration’s domestic policy if Biden defeats President Trump.

Those task forces, which will contribute to the Democrat platform and Biden’s campaign proposals, are stacked with supporters of avowed-socialist Sanders — whose staff members promised a reign of terror and murder if he, not Biden, had won the nomination and then defeated Trump.

But giving up control of domestic policy to an admirer of communist murderer Fidel Castro came with an offer. Sanders supporters promised to boost Biden’s campaign with $100 million if he surrendered control of the presidency.