Author Topic: Trump to Lindsey Graham: Stop running your mouth and call Obama to testify  (Read 210 times)

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Trump to Lindsey Graham: Stop running your mouth and call Obama to testify

AllahpunditPosted at 6:01 pm on May 14, 2020

There’s something … familiar about this.

Ah, that’s right. It’s an exact replica of what happened during the impeachment saga, when TrumpWorld wanted to fight fire with fire by hauling Hunter Biden — and maybe Joe Biden — before Graham’s Judiciary Committee to answer questions about Burisma and the Ukrainian government. Graham hemmed and hawed and said noncommittal things about looking into it and seeking documents, but his reluctance was obvious and highly irritating to the president and his inner circle, like Don Jr. I remember reports at the time of top Trumpers grumbling about how Graham talks a good game but seldom takes the gloves off to help his side.

Now here we are again, with Ukraine a distant memory and “ObamaGate” the president’s top priority. When is Lindsey Graham going to take the gloves off and demand that Obama answer tough questions?