Author Topic: Maryland deploys Guard to ward off feds; PA’s Guard helps w/ nursing home care; Navy picks Italian  (Read 162 times)

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Maryland deploys Guard to ward off feds; PA’s Guard helps w/ nursing home care; Navy picks Italian frigate-builder; US hiding Afghan-war data; Israel bombs targets in Syria; And a bit more.

    By Bradley Peniston Deputy Editor Read bio
    Ben Watson News Editor Read bio

May 1, 2020

Maryland deployed its National Guard to protect COVID test kits from the federal government, the governor says. In a Thursday interview with the Washington Post, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan described the extraordinary lengths to which he and the Maryland government went to obtain the tests, and then to protect them from seizure by federal agents, as has happened to similar gear in other states. He cited the experience of Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, who has said the federal government seized some 3 million masks headed to his state.

Hogan said Maryland officials worked for “about 22 days and nights” to set up the deal with a South Korean supplier. The supplies arrived on a Korean Air jetliner that was met in mid-April at BWI airport with “a large contingent of Maryland National Guard and state police,” he said. “This was an enormously valuable payload. This was like Fort Knox to us, because it was going to save the lives of thousands of our citizens.” Guardsmen are currently protecting the testing gear at an undisclosed location, Hogan said.