Author Topic: Biden Campaign Publishes Talking Points for Dem Candidates to Discredit Tara Reade  (Read 226 times)

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Biden Campaign Publishes Talking Points for Dem Candidates to Discredit Tara Reade
Reagan McCarthy
Posted: Apr 29, 2020 10:20 AM
Just as his path to the Democratic nomination is clear, former Vice President Joe Biden faces questions in regards to allegations of sexual misconduct from former aide to then-Senator Biden, Tara Reade. Democrats and Biden’s allies on the cable news circuit have done their best to cover for the former vice president, but the credibility of Reade’s story continues to grow as her claims are bolstered by evidence and corroboration.

Democrats threw out their original “believe all women” standard for misconduct allegations that was spearheaded by Senate Democrats during their character assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the fall of 2018, and have moved to damage control mode in order to shield Biden from accountability to these claims.