Author Topic: Was the Coronavirus Created to Destroy the U.S. Economy and Create a New Nation State?  (Read 163 times)

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Was the Coronavirus Created to Destroy the U.S. Economy and Create a New Nation State?
By Greg Holt|April 27th, 2020

By Greg Holt

(True Conservative Pundit) What is the single biggest event ever created to damage (destroy) the economy? Answer – the Coronavirus.

Let it be noted that this writer is not at all against common sense precautions concerning the Coronavirus. Cover your cough; if you are feeling rather ill, stay home. If you aren’t feeling well and have to go out, limit how much you do so and by all means wear a mask. In other words, the very same things one would do if one has the flu.
Now, here is the REAL problem – the Coronavirus is a created bioweapon with a specific purpose: the destruction of the U.S. economy, and possibly the world economy.  U.S. intelligence is looking into the idea that the Coronavirus may be used as a weapon, how about that…

Does this seem a little too “conspiracy theorist” for you?  Well, then consider the following: