Author Topic: Dems Favor Open Borders During Coronavirus It is too late for the party to moderate now.  (Read 258 times)

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 Dems Favor Open Borders During Coronavirus
It is too late for the party to moderate now.

by George Neumayr
April 24, 2020, 12:03 AM
The other day the Washington Post ran a piece entitled, “Trump’s new immigration focus could squeeze Biden into a Democratic tug of war.” The suggestion of the piece is that Biden, in order to appear reasonable during the coronavirus crisis, will have to buck the open-borders voices within his party.

“President Trump’s sudden announcement that he would bar immigrants from entering the country could present a challenging proposition for probable Democratic nominee Joe Biden, potentially thrusting him back into a tug of war between a Democratic base firmly opposed to stricter border policies and more-moderate voters willing to consider them, particularly during an economic calamity,” the Post’s Sean Sullivan writes.