Author Topic: The Navy isn’t ready to stop killing its sailors yet  (Read 244 times)

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The Navy isn’t ready to stop killing its sailors yet
« on: April 24, 2020, 11:28:29 am »
The Navy isn’t ready to stop killing its sailors yet
Patrick Dionne

If every commanding officer in the Navy demonstrated the courage and dedication to their crew as USS Theodore Roosevelt Capt. Brett Crozier, seven of my friends and former shipmates wouldn’t be dead.

I served in the Navy from 2013 up until March of this year as a journalist and public affairs specialist. I was a poor kid from Massachusetts who ventured across all corners of the Earth and met people straight out of a story book. I also saw earth-shattering tragedy.

Certain aspects of the Navy’s culture and dogmatic beliefs are not only causing it to fail in its mission, they’re killing its sailors — literally. The firing of Crozier for his decisive action to scream from the high heavens to anyone who would listen about the direness of the coronavirus outbreak — and the drama that would unfold in its wake — is only the latest instance of this occurring.