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Dozens rally in downtown Pittsburgh to reopen all Pennsylvania businesses


Dozens rally in downtown Pittsburgh to reopen all Pennsylvania businesses

Marcie Cipriani   |   Updated: 7:41 PM EDT Apr 20, 2020


Dozens of people lined the sidewalks in front of the City-County Building on Grant Street to protest the continued closure of Pennsylvania businesses Monday.

"Nobody has the right to shut down our livelihood," said Sharon Nagle, of Johnstown. "That's what America is about. We work for ourselves, we're free to make our own choices and decisions. We can do both. We can save lives and keep our economy going strong."

Many drove past the crowd with their vehicles decorated in signs of support.

Police also monitored the crowd that mostly did not abide by social distancing guidelines. Many did wear masks.

Among those rallying was Danny DeVito, a Republican candidate for state representative in District 45. DeVito filed a lawsuit against the governor due to the closures.

"I'm down here because I didn't want to just talk in court, I wanted to be down here with the people I'm representing," said DeVito. "I think this is fantastic. This is in the American tradition, standing up against government overreach."

Meanwhile, it turns out that Gov. Wolf's coronavirus "briefings" are just him answering questions from his own staff - no reporters allowed.
--- Quote ---Behind the scenes of Gov. Tom Wolf's coronavirus-era news conferences
    BRAD BUMSTED | Harrisburg Bureau Apr 22, 2020

...   Reporters aren’t the ones asking the questions, though.

The health department’s director of communications is.

There are no journalists in the room with Wolf. Instead, reporters submit their questions, in advance, via a form on the web.

There is no opportunity, in real time, for those journalists to follow up on Wolf’s answers. And the Wolf administration has the opportunity, if it chooses, to dodge the toughest questions for their boss.   ...
--- End quote ---
Lancaster Online


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