State Chapters > State Politics/Government

REPORT: Virginia Governor Northam Violating Stay-at-Home Orders With Travel to North Carolina Vacati

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More from Gov. Blackface:
--- Quote ---Northam outlines phase one of Virginia's plan for emerging from COVID-19 pandemic

Virginia will begin to lift public restrictions once the percent of positive tests per day and hospitalizations show sustained decline over 14 consecutive days, state officials said Friday. ...

Northam said that while the spread of COVID-19 in Virginia is slowing down, cases are continuing to grow, meaning that the 14-day countdown has not begun. Along with a decline in cases and hospitalizations, Northam said the state must also grow its healthcare capacity and increase its supply of protective equipment.

“We cannot and will not lift restrictions like one turns on a light switch,” Northam said of moving onto the first phase of recovery, which he called “Phase One.”   ...

Phase One, state officials said Friday, will still involve keeping some businesses closed, while others reopen under “strict safety restrictions.” Phase One will also involve “continued social distancing, continued teleworking [and] face coverings recommended in public,” according to an outline of the plan made public Friday.

How long that phase will last is unclear, but State Health Commissioner Norman Oliver said he expected it to be in effect until “medical countermeasures” like a treatment or vaccine are rolled out broadly.

“I, personally, think Phase One will be a two year affair,” Oliver said. “There are a lot of people working on this, and I hope they prove me wrong, but I don’t see it happening in less than two years.” ...
--- End quote ---

Really, Phase One - still mandating massive economically-destructive restrictions - needs to go on another two years? Idiots.

Free Vulcan:
Black face convention?

Update:  As horrible a governor as Northam is, it turns out he did not travel to NC for vacay.


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