Author Topic: A Debt That Cannot Be Repaid  (Read 222 times)

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A Debt That Cannot Be Repaid
« on: April 20, 2020, 12:56:02 pm »
A Debt That Cannot Be Repaid

January 24, 2020 by Special Guest ~ Leave A Comment
by Andy Stumpf

In a country that most would struggle to find on a map, in a compound that few possess the courage to enter, men from my previous life took the fight to our enemy.

In that compound, they found men that pray five times a day for your destruction. Those men don’t know me, they don’t know you, and they don’t know America. They don’t understand our compassion, our freedoms, and our tolerance. I know it may seem as if those things are currently missing, but they remain, and I know they will return. Our capacity for them is boundless, and is only dwarfed by their hatred for you. They don’t care about your religious beliefs; they don’t care about your political opinions. They don’t care if you sit on the left or the right, liberal or conservative, pacifist or a warrior. They don’t care how much you believe in diversity, equality, or freedom of speech.